Marc-Antoine Racicot has been a lawyer and a member of the Barreau du Québec (Quebec bar association) since September 2017. He is currently a doctoral candidate in law, writing his thesis entitled Comment assurer un développement durable au Canada, sans perte nette de milieux humides et hydriques: une étude comparative des réglementations des provinces canadiennes (How to ensure sustainable development in Canada, without net loss of wetlands and water: a comparative study of the regulations of Canadian provinces). His fields of interest are national and international environmental law, the international climate system, wetlands and biodiversity protection, sustainable development, and capacity building in developing countries.

He graduated from Université de Sherbrooke in 2015 (LL.B., M.B.A.) and obtained his master of laws degree from Université Laval in 2019 (LL.M.). Prior to his graduate studies, he completed his articling at the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (Quebec occupational standards, equity, health, and safety commission, or CNESST). His international studies have taken him to Lithuania (Vilnius University) and Belgium (Catholic University of Louvain) and will soon prompt a move to France (University of Avignon).

His master’s thesis, entitled L’effort climatique canadien et le développement durable : l’encadrement réglementaire des mécanismes de tarification du carbone et des autorisations de nouveaux oléoducs (The Canadian climate effort and sustainable development: the regulatory framework for carbon pricing mechanisms and new oil pipeline approvals), earned him a place on the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies’ Honour Roll and an award from the Goldcorp Research and Innovation Chair in Natural Resources and Energy Law for the best thesis in 2019. He is also a research associate at the Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science (QCBS).